Capstone - Pillar — Rubber Mold Company

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6200 S. Bryant Ave
Oklahoma City, OK 73149


Rubber Mold Company - Worlds largest supplier of rubber molds for the stone veneer industry. We have the largest variety of molds for the manufactured stone veneer industry on the market. Our cultured stone molds out perform and outlast similar products on the market. We have over 40 years of experience and the capabilities to meet all your custom mold needs. When it comes to producing manufactured stone veneer you can count on the Rubber Mold Company to give you the competitive edge


Capstone - Pillar


Capstone - Pillar


SKU: 195

Dims: are approximately 27″ x 27″ x 4.5″ x 5″

The price does not include shipping.

Rubber Mold Company is committed to getting you the best possible shipping rates. We will contact you to obtain the specifics on the logistics that fit your needs, we will then investigate shipping rates to get you the best possible rates.

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